I faced a similar problem when I was dealing with Chinese words search.
By simply adding a PositionFilter at the end of analyzer, the damn phrase
query disappeared  and replaced by term queries which is what I've expected.
That's very nice, thank you very much!

Note that Chinese words segmentation is very different from English words
segmentation in that the latter use a whitespace as the delimiter.
So if I search "中国汉字", solr(lucene) will treat is as a phrase search because
it doesn't see any whitespace within the query string.But in fact, it should
be considered as BooleanQuery(OR) with two term queries search in this case.
Anyway, I am confused by solr(lucene)'s behavior on this. Is it a bug?

2010/1/1 AHMET ARSLAN <iori...@yahoo.com>

> > "if this is the expected behaviour is
> > there a way to override it?"[1]
> >
> > [1] me
> Using PositionFilterFactory[1] after NGramFilterFactory can yield parsed
> query:
> field:fa field:am field:mi field:il field:ly field:fam field:ami field:mil
> field:ily
> [1]
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/AnalyzersTokenizersTokenFilters#solr.PositionFilterFactory


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