Mat Brown wrote:
> Hi all,
> Wondering if anyone can point me at a simple way to specify basic
> logging options (log level, log file location) when starting the Solr
> example jar from the command line.
> As a bit of background, I maintain a Ruby library for Solr called
> Sunspot that ships with a Solr installation for ease of use. Sunspot
> includes a script for starting Solr with various options, including
> logging options. With Solr 1.3, I was able to write out a
> file and then set the system property
> java.util.logging.config.file via the command line; this no longer
> seems to work with Solr 1.4.
> I understand that Solr 1.4 has moved to SLF4J, but I haven't been able
> to find a readily available answer to the above question in the SLF4J
> or Solr logging documentation. To be honest, I've always found logging
> in Java rather mystifying.
> Any help much appreciated!
> Mat
By default, even though Solr uses SLF4J, it will actually use the Java
Util logging Impl:

So you just specify a util logging properties file on the sommand line with:


An example being:

handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

# Default global logging level. 
# Loggers and Handlers may override this level 


# --- FileHandler --- 
# Override of global logging level 

# Naming style for the output file: 
# (The output file is placed in the directory 
# defined by the "user.home" System property.) 

# Limiting size of output file in bytes: 

# Number of output files to cycle through, by appending an 
# integer to the base file name: 

# Style of output (Simple or XML): 

- Mark

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