Does anyone know what would cause the following error?:

10:45:10 AM org.apache.solr.handler.SnapPuller copyAFile

     SEVERE: *Unable to move index file* from:
/home/solr/cores/core8/index.20100119103919/_6qv.fnm to:
This occurred a few days back and we noticed that several full copies of the
index were subsequently pulled from the master to the slave, effectively
evicting our live index from RAM (the linux os cache), and killing our query
performance due to disk io contention.

Has anyone experienced this behavior recently?  I found an old thread about
this error from early 2009, but it looks like it was patched almost a year

Additional Relevant information:
-We are using the Solr 1.4 official release + a field collapsing patch from
mid December (which I believe should only affect query side, not indexing /
-Our Replication PollInterval for slaves checking the master is very small
(15 seconds)
-We have a multi-box distributed search with each box possessing multiple
-We issue a manual (rolling) optimize across the cores on the master once a
day (occurred ~ 1-2 hours before the above timeline)
-maxWarmingSearchers is set to 1.

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