> Hi , 
> I m trying to use wildcard keywords in my search term and
> filter term . but
> i didnt get any results.
> Searched a lot but could not find any lead .
> Can someone help me in this.
> i m using solr 1.2.0 and have few records indexed with
> vendorName value as
> Intel
> In solr admin interface i m trying to do the search like
> this 
> http://localhost:8983/solr/select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=intel&start=0&rows=10&fl=*%2Cscore&qt=standard&wt=standard&explainOther=&hl.fl=
> and i m getting the result properly 
> but when i use q=inte* no records are returned.
> the same is the case for Filter Query on using
> &fq=VendorName:"Intel" i get
> my results.
> but on using &fq=VendorName:"Inte*" no results are
> returned.
> I can guess i doing mistake in few obvious things , but
> could not figure it
> out ..
> Can someone pls help me out :) :)

If &q=intel returns documents while q=inte* does not, it means that fieldType 
of your defaultSearchField is reducing the token intel into something. 

Can you find out it by using /admin/anaysis.jsp what happens to "Intel intel" 
at index and query time?

What is your defaultSearchField? Is it VendorName?

It is expected that &fq=VendorName:Intel returns results while 
&fq=VendorName:Inte* does not. Because prefix queries are not analyzed.

But it is strange that q=inte* does not return anything. Maybe your index 
analyzer is reducing Intel into int or ıntel? 

I am not 100% sure but solr 1.2.0  may use default locale in lowercase 
operation. What is your default locale?

It is better to see what happens word Intel using analysis.jsp page.

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