: I guess . default=true should not be necessary if there is only one
: updateRequestProcessorChain specified . Open an issue

No... that doesn't seem right. If you declare you're own chains, but you don't mark any of them as default="true" then it shouldn't matter how many of them you declare, SolrCore should create a default for you.

The real question here is: why isn't he getting his explicilty defined chain when he refrences it by name?

declaring that he wants his explicitly named chain to be the default is fine, and that should work, but w/o declaring it as the default he should still be able to ask for it by name ... why isn't that working? ...

: > <requestHandler name="/update" class="solr.XmlUpdateRequestHandler">
: > � �<lst name="defaults">
: > � � � <str name="update.processor">myChain</str>
: > � �</lst>

Marc, can you confirm that when you don't declare your chain as default="true" that... 1) an instance of your CustomUpdateProcessorFactory is actaully getting instantiated by solr (via logging or runningg in a debugger) 2) wether your custom chain is used if you pass update.processor=myChain as a request param instead of relying on the configured defaults

(I wonder if some handler refactoring caused the default processing logic to no longer respect the defaults)


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