First, let me just say that DataImportHandler is fantastic. It got my old mysql-php-xml index rebuild process down from 30 hours to 6 minutes.

I'm trying to use the delta-import functionality now but failing miserably.

Here's my entity tag: (some SELECT statements reduced to increase readability)

<entity name="moment"
  query="select ..."

deltaQuery="select moment_id from moments where date_modified > '${dataimporter.last_index_time}'"

  deltaImportQuery="select [bunch of stuff]
    WHERE m.moment_id = '${}'"


When I look at the MySQL query log I see the date modified query running fine and returning 3 rows. The deltaImportQuery, however, does not have the proper primary key in the where clause. It's just blank. I also tried changing it to ${moment.MOMENTID}.

I don't really get the relation between the pk field and the ${} stuff.

Help please!

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