> I've analyzed my index application
> and checked the XML before executing the http request and
> the field it's empty:
> <field name="fieldX" />
> It should be empty on SOLR. 
> Probably something in the way between my application (.NET)
> and the SOLR (Jetty on Ubuntu) adds the whitespace.
> Anyway, I'll try to remove the field but, as I validate
> each doc to the SOLR schema, I must make some adjustments
> and stop validate the doc. 
> I don't know if that will be acceptable...
> Thanks for your help.

Alternatively you can do this in solr side with an UpdateProcessor [1], 
something like:

public void processAdd(AddUpdateCommand cmd) throws IOException {
    SolrInputDocument doc = cmd.getSolrInputDocument();
    Object v = doc.getFieldValue( "fieldX" );
    if( v != null ) {
      String fieldX = (String) v.toString();
      if("".equals(fieldX.trim()) ) {
        doc.removeField( "fieldX" );

[1] http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateRequestProcessor


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