I encountered the problem with Oracle converting column names to upper
case. As a result SolrInputDocument is created with field names in
upper case and "Document [null] missing required field: id" exception
is thrown ( although ID field is defined ).

I do not specify "field" elements explicitly.

I know that I can rewrite all my queries to "select id as "id", body
as "body" from document" format, but is there any other workaround for
this? case insensitive option or something?

Here's my data-config:
  <dataSource convertType="true"
driver="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" password="oracle"
url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe" user="SYSTEM"/>
  <document name="items">
    <entity name="root" pk="id" preImportDeleteQuery="db:db1"
query="select id, body from document"
      <entity name="nested1" query="select category from
document_category where doc_id='${root.id}'"/>
      <entity name="nested2" query="select tag from document_tag where
      <field column="db" template="db1"/>


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