> I am using SOLR 1.3 and my server is
> embedded and accessed using SOLRJ.
> I would like to setup my searches so that exact matches are
> the first
> results returned, followed by near matches, and finally
> token based
> matches.
> For example, if I have a summary field in schema which is
> created
> using copyField from a bunch of other fields:
> "My item title, keyword, other, stuff"
> I want this search to match the item above first and
> foremost:
> 1) "My item title*"
> Then this one:
> 2) "my item*"

Wildcards inside phrases are not supported by default. You can use SOLR-1604 
for that in solr 1.4.0. But i am not sure it will work with 1.3. Can you try?

> I tried creating a field to hold exact match data
> (summaryExact) which
> actually works if I paste in the precise text but stops
> working as
> soon as I add any wildcard to it. 

Your <fieldType name="exact"  definition is wrong. You can use directly string 
field type which is not analyzed/tonenized. Where string definiton is:

<fieldType name="string" class="solr.StrField" sortMissingLast="true" 

> I could not quite figure out which tokenizer to use if I
> don't want
> any tokens created but just want to trim and lowercase the
> string so
> let me know if you have ideas on this.

KeywordTokenizerFactory + TrimFilterFactory + LowercaseFilterFactory 
combination can do that put punctuations won't be removed between tokens.
> Basically, I want something
> similar to DB "like" matching without case sensitivity and
> probably
> trimmed as well. I don't really want the field to be
> tokenized though.

Your examples seem you want to search something like startsWith? Can you 
explain more in detail?

Also your <fieldType name="name" class="solr.StrField" ..> declation is also 
wrong. It should use class="solr.TextField".


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