Mat Brown wrote:
> Hi all,
> Trying to debug a very sneaky bug in a small Solr extension that I
> wrote, and I've come across an odd situation. Here's what my test
> suite does:
> deleteByQuery("*:*");
> // add some documents
> commit();
> // test the search
> This works fine. The test suite that exposed the error (which is
> actually for a Ruby client library I maintain) was doing almost the
> exact same thing, with one exception - the deleteByQuery() passed the
> query "type:[* TO *]" instead of "*:*" (in an attempt to isolate the
> error, I made sure that the input document and search parameters were
> identical between the two test suites).
> In the schema, the "type" field has at least one value for every
> document (in practice it has more than one for all the documents in
> this test suite). Changing the test setup code to pass "type:[* TO *]"
> to deleteByQuery() causes it to fail.
> So I'm a bit confused - wouldn't deleteByQuery("type:[* TO *]") have
> the same effect as deleteByQuery("*:*"), assuming every document has a
> value for the "type" field? Or is there something subtler going on in
> the internals - perhaps optimizing the "*:*" deleteByQuery() to just
> tear down the whole index and build a new one from scratch? Something
> that might have some subtle side effect? Now that I'm finally able to
> reproduce the error in my extension's test suite, I can start actually
> figuring out what's causing it, but I was surprised to find out that
> the deleteByQuery() query is what makes the difference between passing
> and failing.
> Any insight much appreciated!
> Mat Brown
Not sure why the tests would would be affected, but yes, Solr detects a
delete of *:* and just creates a new
index instead of deleting every document.

- Mark

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