: I have a small worry though. When I call the full-import functions, can 
: I configure Solr (via the XML files) to make sure there are rows to 
: index before wiping everything? What worries me is if, for some unknown 
: reason, we have an empty database, then the full-import will just wipe 
: the live index and the search will be broken.

I believe if you set clear=false when doing the full-import, DIH won't 
delete the entire index before it starts.  it probably makes the 
full-import slower (most of the adds wind up being deletes followed by 
adds) but it should prevent you from having an empty index if something 
goes wrong with your DB.

the big catch is you now have to be responsible for managing deletes 
(using the XmlUpdateRequestHandler) yourself ... this bug looks like it's 
goal is to make this easier to deal with (but i'd not really clear to 
me what "deletedPkQuery" is ... it doesnt' seem to be documented.



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