> well ok I guess that makes sense and I tried changing my
> title field to text
> type and then highlighting worked on it .. but
> 1) as far as not merging all fields in catchall field and
> instead
> configuring the dismax handler to search through them .. do
> you mean then
> ill have to specify the field I want to do the search in ..
> e.g.
> q=something&hl.fl=title or
> q=somethingelse&hl.fl=status .. and another thing
> is that I have abuot 20 some fields which I am merging in
> my catch all
> fields .. with that many fields do you still think its
> better to use dismax
> or catchall field ???

You can use your previous default hl.fl definition in schema.xml.
Using dismax is more convenient because with catch all field approach you are 
indexing twice same data. Also with dismax you can specify separate boost 
factors to each field.

> 2) secondly for highlighting q=title:searchterm also didnt
> worked .. it only
> works if I change the type of title field to text instead
> of string .. even
> if I give the full string in q param .. it still doesnt
> highlights it unless
> like I said I change the field type to text ...  so
> why is that .. 

I just tested to search and highlight on my string field CATEGORY it works 
fine. select/?q=CATEGORY:SPOR&hl=true&hl.fl=CATEGORY

<lst name="2118883">
<arr name="CATEGORY">

You can highlight on string type field as long as they are stored and indexed. 
The only this is string type is not analyzed, indexed verbatim.

> and if
> thats just how it is and I have to change some of my fields
> to text .. then
> my question is that solr will analyze them first their own
> field and then
> copy them to the catchall field while doing the analysis
> one more time ..
> since catchall field is also text .. i guess this is just
> more of a
> understanding question

Copy field definition discards source fields type. I mean it just copies raw 
text. Only destination field's type matters.

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