: I have encounter a situation that I can't explain. We are indexing documents
: that are often duplicates so we activated deduplication like this:

FWIW: w/o providing us more info about what your schema looks like, and 
how you are indexing documents, all we can do is speculate about some of 
hte possible causes of your problems -- for all we know you don't have 
your uniqueKey configured properly, or have something in DIH configured to 
do deletes on delta imports, etc...  We need all the facts to make 
informed suggestions.

: What I can't explain is that when I look at the documents count in the log,
: I see documents disappearing.
: 11:24:23 INFO  - [myindex] webapp=null path=null
: params={event=newSearcher&q=*:*&wt=dismax} hits=0 status=0 QTime=0

1) it looks like you only included the "newSearcher" related warming query 
log messages in your email ... i assume you double checked that there were 
no "delete" messages logged by the LogUpdateProcessor ?

2) that's a fairly non-sensical warming query ... do you really have a 
queryResponseWriter registered with the name "dismax" (it's typically used 
as either a RequestHandler (qt) or QParser (defType) ... w/o knowing what 
your default requestHandler declaration looks like, its totally possible 
that the number you are seeing has nothing to do with the totaly number of 
docs in your index, and instead just indicates how many docs match the 
litteral string "*:*" in your default seearch fielt (or some set of query 
fields if you are using dismax as the default QParser) which can 
certainly change as you update existing documents..

As i said: full configs would make it a lot easier to help clear up what 
you are seeing.


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