: Lucene 2.9.1 is out of course (and in repos) but the 2.9.1-dev as found in
: Solr's source control right now is not.  This is pretty frustrating and I
: can only expect it will be a recurring problem.  If Solr is going to use
: -dev versions then I think Solr needs to put them in a repo somewhere.

The concensus has been to start releasing using only "official" releases 
of Lucene-Java, hence Solr stoped creating it's own Lucene-Java poms for 
dev RPMs -- but for the few days that the Lucene-Java 2.9.2 release vote 
was taking place, Solr trunk was chagned to use the release candidate Jars 
to help test them out.

This isn't something that would ever impact users of official Solr 
releases, so it really doesn't seem like that big of a deal -- if you are 
using Solr trunk you have to accept a little bit of shifting and 
transitioning now and then.

: I could report a bug in Jira...

It's already been "fixed" (now that the 2.9.2 release is final) but if you 
want to worry about the "root" issue (for the next time Solr trunk rev's 
jars during a Lucene-Java release) then a patch to make Solr start 
fetching it's dependencies from a maven repository instead of committing 
them (and then getting Lucene-Java to start putting it's release 
candidates in a maven repository) woulde probably be the sane way to go 
... note that i'm not suggestion you try to get Solr to drop ant entirely 
in palce of Maven -- that's been brought up enough times and no one has 
ever gotten concensus that it's worth doing, but just dealing with the 
dependency fetching part would probably be feasible.


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