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I have been testing out results for some basic queries using both the Standard and DisMax query parsers. The results though aren't what I expected and am wondering if I am misundertanding how the DisMax query parser works.

For example, let's say I am doing a basic search for "Apache Solr" across a single field = Field 1 using the Standard parser. My results are exactly what I expected. Any document that includes either "Apache" or "Solr" or "Apache Solr" in Field 1 is listed with priority given to those that include both words.

Now, if I do the same search for "Apache Solr" across multiple fields - Field 1, Field 2 - using DisMax, I would expect basically the same results. The results should include any document that has one or both words in Field 1 or Field 2.

When I run that query in DisMax though, it only returns the documents that have BOTH words included which in my sample set only includes 1 or 2 documents. I thought that, by default, DisMax should make both words optional so I am confused as to why I am only getting such a small subset.

Can anyone shed some light on what I am doing wrong or if I am misunderstanding how DisMax works.


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