: I tried commongrams also but won't worked . here search "this is it" .i
: would like to get exact information not for this is,is or it.
: my document like
: <field name="id">101</field>

You haven't given us enough info about what *else* you wnat to work ... 
ie: you've only talked about stop words, and not wanting them to match 
when people query on a portion of a field value, but it's not obvious what 
you wnat to have happen if people query on other words that aren't part of 
the original value -- or what if a stop word is the *entire* value...

should "q=It" match a document whose entire name is "It" ?  
should "q=elephant" match a document whose entire name is "elephant rider" ?

...if the answers are "yes" and "now" then you probably just want to use 
KeywordTokenizer and the "field" QParser.


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