Search time is only partially dependent on the
number of results returned. Far more important
is the number of docs in the index, the
complexity of the query, any sorting you do, etc.

So your question isn't really very answerable,
you need to provide many more details. Things
like your index size, the machine you're operating
on etc.

Are you firing off warmup queries? Also, using
debugQuery=on on your URL will provide
significant timing output, that would help us
diagnose your issues.


On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 9:02 PM, Allahbaksh Asadullah <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Solr for clustering. I am have set number of row as 100 and I am
> using clustering handler. The problem is that I am getting the search time
> for clustering search roughly 4sec. I have set -Xmx1024m. What is the best
> way to reduce the time.
> Regards,
> allahbaksh

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