On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 4:38 PM, abhishes <abhis...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am indexing a column in a database. I have chosen field type of text for
> this column (this type was defined in the sample schema file which comes in
> the Solr Example).
> When I search for the word "impress" and top 3 results. I get these 3
> documents
> <str name="TEXT">bare desire pronounce villainy draught beasts blockish
> impression acquit</str>
> <str name="TEXT">bare impression villainy pronounce beasts desire blockish
> draught acquit</str>
> <str name="TEXT">beasts desire villainy pronounce bare acquit impression
> draught blockish</str>
> But here the TEXT doesn't really contain the word "impress" it contains the
> word "impression"
> Now the database does contain a few rows where the word "impress" is there,
> but those rows do not come in top 3 results.
> So my question is that why did the rows containing the word "impression"
> got
> ranked higher than the rows containing the word "impress" when I searched
> for "impress"?
The "text" type is configured to do stemming on the input. So I'm guessing
that "impression" and "impress" both stem to the same form. You can remove
the EnglishPorterFilterFactory from the text type if you don't need

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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