The SolrEmbededServer doesn't have any http, and so you can't use the http
You can use the script-based replication if you're on LUNIX. See:

It would be worth looking at using Solr in a Jetty container and using the
http replication, it is really awesome.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 5:27 PM, Dino Di Cola <> wrote:

> Dear all, I am trying to setup a master/slave index replication
> with two slaves embedded in a tomcat cluster and a master kept in a
> separate
> machine.
> I would like to know if is it possible to configure slaves with a
> ReplicationHandler able to access master
> by starting an embedded server instead of using http communication.
> I understand that HTTP is the preferred way to work with solr,
> but for some annoying reasons I cannot startup another http server. Thus, I
> wonder to know if (and possibly how)
> this approach can be technically 'feasible', already conscious that it
> cannot be definitively 'reasonable'... :)
> Many thanks for the support,
> Dino.
> --

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