Have you started rsyncd on the master?  Make sure that it is enabled before
you start:


You can also tried running snappuller with the -V option to et more
debugging info.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Lars R. Noldan <l...@sixfeetup.com> wrote:

> Is anyone aware of a comprehensive guide for setting up the Snapshot
> Distribution process on Solr 1.3?
> I'm working through:
> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CollectionDistribution#The_Snapshot_and_Distribution_Process
> And have run into a roadblock where the solr/bin/snappuller finds the
> appropriate snapshot, but rsync fails.  (according to the logs.)
> Any guidance you can provide, even if it's asking for additional
> troubleshooting information is welcome and appreciated.
> Thanks
> Lars
> --
> l...@sixfeetup.com | +1 (317) 861-5948 x609
> six feet up presents INDIGO : The Help Line for Plone
> More info at http://sixfeetup.com/indigo or call +1 (866) 749-3338

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