
I'm trying to identify the bottleneck to get acceptable performance of a single 
shard containing 4.7 millions of documents using my own machine (Mac Pro - Quad 
Core with 8Gb of RAM with 4Gb allocated to the JVM). 

I tried using YourKit but I don't get anything about Solr classes. I'm new to 
Yourkit so I might be doing something wrong but it seems pretty straight 

I am running Solr within a Tomcat instance within Eclipse. Does anyone have an 
idea about what could be wrong in my setup?

I'm making individual requests (one at a time) and the response times are 
horrible (about 15 sec on average). I need to bring this way below 1 second.

Here is a sample query:


I know that collapsing results has a big hit on performance but it is a must 
have for us.

Thanks for any hints.

===== JVM Parameters =====

-Xms4g -Xmx4g -d64 -server

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