I messed with a perfectly good 1.3 setup and installed Solr 1.4 in the hope of 
seeing better faceting performance.  Nothing in the release notes or migrating 
section scared me off.    I stuck with it a little too long and now due to the 
costs of rebuilding the time delta on the index I am committed.   I'm now 
having a lot of problems with uptime, the Solr instances just get in a place 
where they spend all their time doing GC (even before reaching Xmx sometimes).  
  I've since turned off nearly all faceting (using enum currently, switching to 
fc did not change anything) and dropped the FilterCache size back into 
stratospheric levels.  I realized, with the new FieldCache stuff, I no longer 
understand the performance levers involved.    At first, I thought upping 
permgen space from 192->256MB helped.   I soon found myself in the same boat as 
I was before.

I have two Solr 1.4 slaves, both a single quad core Xenon (from about 1.5 years 
ago) and 16GB of RAM.   The index is closing in on 70GB (was >120GB long ago 
but cut down on a lot of the stored fields, useless data, etc).   I do a very 
low volume of searches by count. 

My old working and stable 1.3 config was:


Trying to get stability... I've [had the perception of] SLIGHT improvements by 


I've also toyed with removing some of these and even using the parallel 
collector (which worked great for me when I was at CNET... but on a much much 
smaller collection and a much older java).  Nothing seems to help.

# java -version
java version "1.6.0_18"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_18-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 16.0-b13, mixed mode)

How do I control how much heap the FieldCache will use?  Are there any good 
resources out there that will help me understand the performance impacts and 
tuning for FieldCache?
Is there anything new in 1.4 besides the FC that I should be looking at?  I 
obviously don't have enough info here to place blame on the FC.  I added a 
FieldValueCache as per the new sample solrconfig.xml ... but I've never seen 
anything appear in there ... I presume I will only see entries when I am using 
the fc faceting method.

Any suggestions on a change to my GC settings or solrconfig.xml to match with 
changes in 1.4?

I'm going to add an SSD L2ARC to get some better performance but that will not 
help my GC issues.

Trey Hyde
Central Desktop, Inc.
Organize, Share, Collaborate

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