Commit actions are in the jetty log. I don't have a script to pull
them out in a spread-sheet-able form, but that would be useful.

On 3/13/10, Frederico Azeiteiro <> wrote:
> Yes, the http request is timing out even when using values of 10m.
> Normally the commit takes about 10s. I did an optimize (it took 6h) and it
> looks good for now...
> 59m? well i didn't wait that long, i restarted the solr instance and tried
> again.
> I'll try to use autocommit on a near future.
> Using autocommit how can i check how many commits are happening at the
> moment, when they started to? Is there a way to control and konw what  is
> happening behind the scenes in "real time"?
> I'm using solr 1.4 with jetty.
> ________________________________
> De: Lance Norskog []
> Enviada: sáb 13-03-2010 23:31
> Para:
> Assunto: Re: Cant commit on 125 GB index
> What is timing out? The external HTTP request? Commit times are a
> sawtooth and slowly increase. My record is 59 minutes, but I was doing
> benchmarking.
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 1:46 AM, Frederico Azeiteiro
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having timeouts commiting on a 125 GB index with about 22000000
>> docs.
>> I'm inserting new docs every 5m and commiting after that.
>> I would like to try the autocommit option and see if I can get better
>> results. I need the docs indexed available for searching in about 10
>> minutes after the insert.
>> I was thinking of using something like
>> <autoCommit>
>>      <maxDocs>5000</maxDocs>
>>      <maxTime>86000</maxTime>
>>    </autoCommit>
>> I update about 4000 docs every 15m.
>> Can you share your thoughts on this config?
>> Do you think this will solve my commits timeout problem?
>> Thanks,
>> Frederico
> --
> Lance Norskog

Lance Norskog

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