I'm faceting with a two different query ranges while using addFacetQuery. I
wonder wether it's possible using SolrJ to extract the result of each query
range separately. Here's is an example:

addFacetQuery("price:[* TO 150]"); addFacetQuery("price:[151 TO 300]"); etc.
addFacetQuery("length:[* TO 5]");addFacetQuery("length:[5 TO 10]"); etc.

When I use getFacetQuery, SolrJ gives me the responses of both query ranges
(prices and lengths) mixed in the same list. I wonder wether it's possible
to tell SolrJ to extract the response of a specific query range, i.e., tell
it to extract the price-based response in a list and the length-based
response in another list. It would be helpful to have something like
getFacetQuery(field=price), getFacetQuery(field=length), etc.

Any ideas?


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