On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 7:44 PM, Chris Hostetter
<hossman_luc...@fucit.org> wrote:
> : I connected to one of my solr instances with Jconsole today and
> : noticed that most of the mbeans under the solr hierarchy are missing.
> : The only thing there was a Searcher, which I had no trouble seeing
> : attributes for, but the rest of the statistics beans were missing.
> : They all show up just fine on the stats.jsp page.
> :
> : In the past this always worked fine. I did have the core reload due to
> : config file changes this morning. Could that have caused this?
> possibly... reloading the core actually causes a whole new SolrCore
> object (with it's own registry of SOlrInfoMBeans) to be created and then
> swapped in place of hte previous core ... so perhaps you are still looking
> at the "stats" of the old core which is no longer in use (and hasn't been
> garbage collected because the JMX Manager still had a refrence to it for
> you? ... i'm guessing at this point)
> did disconnecting from jconsole and reconnecting show you the correct
> stats?

Disconnecting and reconnecting didn't help. The queryCache and
documentCache and some others started showing up after I did a commit
and opened a new searcher, but the whole tree never did fill in.

I'm guessing that the request handler stats stayed associated with the
old, no longer visible core in JMX since new instances weren't created
when the core reloaded. Does that make sense? The stats on the web
stats page continued to be fresh.

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