keep in mind that the xpath is case-sensitive. paste a sample xml

what is dataField="d.text"  it does not seem to refer to anything.
where is the enclosing entity?
did you mean dataField="doc.text".

xpath="//BODY" is a supported syntax as long as you are using Solr1.4 or higher

On Thu, Mar 18, 2010 at 3:15 AM, Neil Chaudhuri
<> wrote:
> Incidentally, I tried adding this:
> <datasource name="f" type="FieldReaderDataSource" />
> <document>
>        <entity dataSource="f" processor="XPathEntityProcessor" 
> dataField="d.text" forEach="/MESSAGE">
>                  <field column="body" xpath="//BODY"/>
>        </entity>
> </document>
> But this didn't seem to change anything.
> Any insight is appreciated.
> Thanks.
> From: Neil Chaudhuri
> Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 3:24 PM
> To:
> Subject: XPath Processing Applied to Clob
> I am using the DataImportHandler to index 3 fields in a table: an id, a date, 
> and the text of a document. This is an Oracle database, and the document is 
> an XML document stored as Oracle's xmltype data type. Since this is nothing 
> more than a fancy CLOB, I am using the ClobTransformer to extract the actual 
> XML. However, I don't want to index/store all the XML but instead just the 
> XML within a set of tags. The XPath itself is trivial, but it seems like the 
> XPathEntityProcessor only works for XML file content rather than the output 
> of a Transformer.
> Here is what I currently have that fails:
> <document>
>        <entity name="doc" query="SELECT d.EFFECTIVE_DT, d.ARCHIVE_ID, 
> d.XML.getClobVal() AS TEXT FROM DOC d" transformer="ClobTransformer">
>            <field column="EFFECTIVE_DT" name="effectiveDate" />
>            <field column="ARCHIVE_ID" name="id" />
>            <field column="TEXT" name="text" clob="true">
>            <entity name="text" processor="XPathEntityProcessor" 
> forEach="/MESSAGE" url="${doc.text}">
>                <field column="body" xpath="//BODY"/>
>            </entity>
>        </entity>
> </document>
> Is there an easy way to do this without writing my own custom transformer?
> Thanks.

Noble Paul | Systems Architect| AOL |

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