poking around at the spellcheck component, and have a couple questions:

1) is there a way to return the distance measure with
spellcheck.extendedResults?  haven't poked too closely at the source,
but it might be useful.

2) i'm not entirely clear on the order in which suggestions are
returned. for a search of "porgrams" against a subset of my data, i
get these suggestions...i've added my own levenshtein calculations,
provided they're correct:

     program: 3
     pulgram: 3
     porras: 2
     portrait: 3

relevant section of my solrconfig.xml:

    <str name="queryAnalyzerFieldType">text</str>

    <lst name="spellchecker">
      <str name="name">default</str>
      <str name="field">spell</str>
      <str name="spellcheckIndexDir">./spellchecker</str>

granted, i like that 'program' is at the top, and it has the highest
frequency in my corpus, but just want to make sure i can reliably
interpret these results.

cheers, and apologies if i'm just being dense,

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