I have used up to 27GB of heap with no issues, both SOLR and (just) Lucene.

-Glen Newton

On 31 March 2010 11:34, Burton-West, Tom <tburt...@umich.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> We have been running a configuration in production with 3 solr instances 
> under one  tomcat with 16GB allocated to the JVM.  (java -Xmx16384m 
> -Xms16384m)  I just noticed the warning in the LucidWorks Certified 
> Distribution Reference Guide that warns against using more than 2GB (see 
> below).
> Are other people using systems with over 2GB allocated to the JVM?
> What steps can we take to determine if performance is being adversely 
> affected by the large heap size?
> “The larger the heap the longer it takes to do garbage collection. This can 
> mean minor, random pauses or, in extreme cases, “freeze the world” pauses of 
> a minute or more. As a practical matter, this can become a serious problem 
> for heap sizes that exceed about two gigabytes, even if far more physical 
> memory is available.”
> http://www.lucidimagination.com/search/document/CDRG_ch08_8.4.1?q=memory%20caching
> Tom Burton-West
> ----------------------
> <lst name="jvm">
> <str name="version">14.2-b01</str>
> <str name="name">Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM</str>
> <int name="processors">16</int>
> −
> <lst name="memory">
> <str name="free">2.3 GB</str>
> <str name="total">15.3 GB</str>
> <str name="max">15.3 GB</str>
> <str name="used">13.1 GB (%85.3)</str>
> </lst>



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