: NOW/HOUR-5HOURS evaluates to 2010-03-31T21:00:00 which should not be the
: case if the current time is Wed Mar 31 19:50:48 PDT 2010. Is SOLR converting
: NOW to GMT time? 

1) "NOW" means "Now" ... what moment in time is happening right at this 
moment is independent of what locale you are in and how you want to format 
that moment to represent it as a string.

2) Solr always parses/formats date time vlaues in UTC because Solr has no 
way of knowing what timezone the clients are in (or if some clients are in 
differnet timezones from eachother, or if the index is being replicated 
from a server in one timezone to a server i na differnet timezone, 
etc...).  The documentation for DateField is very explicit about this 
(it's why the trailing "Z" is mandatory)

3) Rounding is always done relative UTC, largely for all of the same 
reasons listed above.  If you want a specific offset you have to add it in 
using the DateMath syntax, ie...



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