I have an existing web application which is using Lucene (v2.1.0 and/or
v2.4.x) and which I'd like to gradually migrate to Solr.

I am already using multiple cores, master/slave replication and SolrJ
to re-implement current functionalities.

One use case I have is: backup/restore indexes.

I am thinking to use another Solr master (to which I will not submit
updates) to expose current Lucene indexes (on NFS) and allow them to be
replicated to my real Solr master (which I am using to submit updates
to). This way, I can reuse the current restore capabilities I have and
propagate "restored" indexes to my Solr cluster. To clarify:

 +-------------+       +--------------+       +--------------+
 | Solr master |       | Solr master  |       |+--------------+
 | (read-only) |<-(r)--| (read/write) |<-(r)--||    Slaves    |
 +-------------+       +--------------+       +|              |
        ^                     ^                +--------------+
        |                     |
        |                     |
     +-----+               updates
     | NFS |<---+         via SolrJ
     +-----+    |
        ^       |
        |       +--- updates via legacy Lucene

                                     (r) = replicates from

Before trying to test this setup, I'd like to have a feedback and see
if there are issues with it and/or better alternatives.

Aslo, I am not 100% sure I can have Solr v1.4 running concurrently with
other applications using Lucene (v2.1.0 and/or 2.4.x) pointing at the same index (on an NFS mounted file system).

Is <lockType>simple</lockType> the recommended setting in this scenario?


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