
  If  you  want  to have both non-stemmed and stemmed field You should
use copyField.

  Even  if  there would be a possibility to disable snowball filter at
query time, you would have stemmed tokens written in the index.

> Hi,

> I have the following filter for a field named "myText"

> <filter class="solr.SnowballPorterFilterFactory" language="English" 
> protected="protwords.txt"/>

> This enables stemming, I guess.

> My questions are:

> 1) Can I disable stemming for the same field at the query time?
> 2) Do I need to copyField the "myText" to "nonStemText", wherein
> "nonStemText" is not configured with the PorterFilterFactory.

> regards,
> Naga

 Rafał Kuć

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