Hi Bill,

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Bill Paetzke <billpaet...@gmail.com>wrote:

> *Given:*
>   - 1 database per client (business customer)
>   - 5000 clients
>   - Clients have between 2 to 2000 users (avg is ~100 users/client)
>   - 100k to 10 million records per database
>   - Users need to search those records often (it's the best way to navigate
>   their data)
> *The Question:*
> How would you setup Solr (or Lucene) search so that each client can only
> search within its database?
> How would you setup the index(es)?

I'd look at setting up multiple cores for each client. You may need to setup
slaves as well depending on search traffic.

> Where do you store the index(es)?

Setting up 5K cores on one box will not work. So you will need to partition
the clients into multiple boxes each having a subset of cores.

> Would you need to add a filter to all search queries?

Nope, but you will need to send the query to the correct host (perhaps a
mapping DB will help)

> If a client cancelled, how would you delete their (part of the) index?
> (this
> may be trivial--not sure yet)
With different cores for each client, this'd be pretty easy.

Shalin Shekhar Mangar.

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