I guess my basic issue is that Solr scores all matches for prefix
searches equally. Any way to score PINK over PINKSHEETS when you are
searching for PI ?


Papiya Misra wrote:

I am supposed to implement auto suggest where the prefix matches are
sorted based on the following criteria.

We have two fields (max characters ~ 100) that we need to search. Field
1 has only one word (no spaces) where as Field2 has multiple words
separated by spaces.

Example -

```Field1 - ROFL
     Field2 - Rolls on the floor laughing
    Field1: IRLL
    Field2 - Rolling
    Field1 -  IRLTR
    Field2 - I Roll

1. Results matching field1 should be ranked higher. Results matching the
first word of Field2 should be ranked higher than any subsequent matches.
    If you search for "RO*" in the above example the ranking should be

2.The next sort parameter is the length of the word. So, if you are
searching for IR, Row2 (2 out of 4 ) matches higher than Row3 (2 out of 5).

3. The final sort parameter is an integer field that we already have as
part of the schema.

Any help or pointers will be deeply appreciated.


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