Ok, you're right :D

I exaplain my situation ...

I have solr locally on my machine


inside the folder solrtest I have:

|_ build
|_ build.xml
|_ CHANGES.txt
|_ client
|_ common-build.xml
|_ contrib
|_ dist
|_ docs
|_ etc
|_ lib
|_ LICENSE.txt
|_ logs
|_ multicore
        |_ bandb
                |_ conf
                        |_ schema.xml
                        |_ solrconfig.xml
                |_ data
                        |_ index
                                |_ segments_1
                                |_ segments.gen
        |_ solr.xml
|_ NOTICE.txt
|_ README.txt
|_ src
|_ start.jar
|_ start_multicore.sh
|_ webapps

I have also xml files in anoter place and I would like to add these xml
files to the bandb core.
Is there a command to add an xml file to a particular core, imagining we can
have an indefinite number of cores ?

2010/5/6 Marco Martinez <mmarti...@paradigmatecnologico.com>

> You should specify the core in your request, like
> http://localhost:8080/solr/*core0*/update?.......  where /solr/ is your
> webapp and 'core0' is the name of the core.
> Marco Martínez Bautista
> http://www.paradigmatecnologico.com
> Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
> 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
> Tel.: 91 352 59 42
> 2010/5/6 Antonello Mangone <antonello.mang...@gmail.com>
> > Hi to everyone, my name is Antonello Mangone and I'm a new user of Solr
> > (this is the 4th day :D).
> > I'm just a novice and i would like to make a question ...
> >
> > I'm using solr in multicore way but i don't understad how to add xml
> > documents to a particular core ...
> > Can someone help me ???
> >
> > Antonello
> >

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