Thank you for the explanation, Hoss.

At the moment, I am not able to try out Solr, because I am going to write my
exam from tomorrow to Wednesday.
This is because I would try out as much as possible and dive into some
sourcecode and this would be no good idea in this context. So my questions
are more theoretical:

I got a fundamental understanding question that Mike's posting did not
You say "q=apple iPhone & qf=title^5 manufacturer & mm=100%" is correct.
That means:
title: "iphone" -> matches "iphone" but not "apple"
manufacturer: "apple" -> matches "apple" but not "iphone"
According to the query, at least 100% of the query-terms matched the doc.
So far, so good.

If I would define "apple" as a stopword for title, what would be the
problem? What is the difference for the handler? In this example, there
would never be a hit on "apple", regardless whether I say it's a stopword or

> The query string is not parsed "differnet" for each of your qf fields, it 
> is parsed exactly once, and each "chunk" of the string (ie: a "word" or 
> quoted phrase) is passed to the analyzer for each field -- if any one of 
> those fields produces a valid stream of tokens for that input (ie: it's 
> not a stopword) then that constitutes one clause -- even if only one field 
> says it's a valid clause, it's still a valid clause, and it's factored in 
> to the "min-should-match" (mm) amount. 
I am not sure, whether this answers my question.
Let me try to explain what I've understood: title says "apple" is invalid,
which means that "apple" is assumed to be invalid for the whole query, and
so the query can't match 100%, although it's valid for "manufacturer". Am I
Or should I think the other way round: "apple" is valid, because
"manufacturer" says it's valid, but "title" says it's invalid. It does not
matter that "apple" will not occur in "title", but "title" makes it as an
unmatchable clause and so 100% - match is impossible?

Sorry, if I do not see the wood for the trees, but I'd really like to
understand the mistake in detail, because it don't happen with Ngrams (just
a conclusion, because there is nothing said about this at the mailing list,
I never tried it out... at the moment I can only talk about theoretical
things, hope you understand that).

BTW: Example: qf = title, description, category, content
title removes the stopwords "and, the, in". But all the others do not.
If I would turn the stopword-filter on at index-time, but off at query-time,
would this make a difference?
If you don't like to answer this question, because I should try it out, no
problem. In this case I will do so at Thursday after my exams. 

Thank you all very much.
Have a nice Sunday!

- Mitch
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