: Does anyone know if there is any way to create a new Core with specified 
: properties or to alter and reload Core Properties for a Core without 
: restarting the service?
: I tried to do this in three steps:
: 1)      Create a new core;
: 2)      Edit solr.xml directly to add properties into the core;
: 3)      Call RELOAD handler to reload the new core and the specified 
: However, the reloading doesn't seem to work and the properties added 
: don't apply for the newly created core. We're using a nightly build of 

1) solr.xml is read in when solr first starts up, after that it is not
monitored for changes -- with persistance turned on Solr will overwrite
solr.xml as needed, but it will never reread from it.

2) your best bet for achieving something like this is probably to put the 
properties you want to change in a solrcore.properties file...


...this file will be reloaded when the solrconfig.xml is re-parsed as part 
of your RELOAD command.


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