Hi Chris,

Thank you for your answer.

I've always undestand that if you do a commit (replication does it), a new
searcher is open, and you lose performance (queries per second) while the
caches are regenerated. I think i don't explain correctly my situation
before, with my schema i want to avoid this loss of performance in an
enviroment with frequent updates.

Marco Martínez Bautista
Avenida de Europa, 26. Ática 5. 3ª Planta
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Tel.: 91 352 59 42

2010/5/18 Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> : I want to know if there is any approach to disable caches in a specific
> core
> : from a multicore server.
> only via hte config.
> : I have a multicore server where the core0 will be listen to the queries
> and
> : other core (core1) that will be replicated from a master server. Once the
> : replication has been done, i will swap the cores. My point is that i want
> to
> : disable the caches in the core that is in charge of the replication to
> save
> : memory in the machine.
> that seems bizarely complicated -- replication can work against a "live"
> core, no need to do the swap yourself, the replicationHandler takes care
> of this for your transparently (ie: you have one core, replicating from a
> master -- the old index will be searched by users, and have caches, and
> when the new version of the index is ready, the replication handler will
> swap the *index* in that core (but the core itself never changes) ... it
> can even autowarm the caches on the new index for you before the swap if
> you configure it that way.
> -Hoss

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