: Starting with glassfishv3 (I think) UTF-8 is the default for URI.  You 
: can see this by going to the admin site, clicking on Network Config | 
: Network Listeners | then select the listener.  Select the tab "HTTP" and 
: about half way down, you will see URI Encoding: UTF-8.
: HOWEVER, that doesn't appear to be correct because following Abdelhamid 

I know nothing about glassfish, but according to that forum URL i 
mentioned before, the URI Encoding option in glassfish explicitly (and 
contenciously) does not apply to hte query args -- only the path, hence 
the two different config options mentioned in the FAQ...

:   http://forums.java.net/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=38020
: http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/Wiki.jsp?page=FaqHttpRequestParameterEncoding


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