Hi Robert,

thanks, you're absolutely right. I should better refine my initial question to: What's the idea behind the fact that no *lowercasing* is performed on wildcarded search terms if the field in question contains a LowercaseFilter in its associated field type definition?


Robert Muir wrote:
we can use stemming as an example:

lets say your query is c?ns?st?nt?y

how will this match "consistently", which the porter stemmer
transforms to 'consistent'.
furthermore, note that i replaced the vowels with ?'s here. The porter
stemmer doesnt just rip stuff off the end, but attempts to guess
syllables as part of the process, so it cannot possibly work.

the only way it would work in this situation would be if you formed
permutations of all the possible words this wildcard would match, and
then did analysis on each form, and searched on all stems.

but, this is impossible, since the * operator allows an infinite language.

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:11 AM, Sascha Szott<sz...@zib.de>  wrote:
Hi folks,

what's the idea behind the fact that no text analysis (e.g. lowercasing) is
performed on wildcarded search terms?

In my context this behaviour seems to be counter-intuitive (I guess that's
the case in the majority of applications) and my application needs to
lowercase any input term before sending the HTTP request to my Solr server.

Would it be easy to disable this behaviour in Solr (1.5)? I would like to
see a config parameter (per field type) that allows to disable this "odd"
behaviour if needed. To ensure backward compatibility the "odd" behaviour
should be the default anymore.

Am I missing any drawbacks?


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