Hi Koji,
   Well, its quite simple. Here is the field returned from my query:


<arr name="text_t">
The bird flies in the sky.
The quick brown fox jumped over the fence.

<lst name="highlighting">
<lst name="doc1"/>

No highlighting.

If the field only has one value "The quick brown fox jumped over the
fence." It works.
Interestingly, the first field value has no candidate highlight. But the
second appears to not be checked.

Seems either a bug or my expectation of behavior is wrong.


On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 09:59 +0900, Koji Sekiguchi wrote:

> (10/05/28 8:16), Darren Govoni wrote:
> > Hi,
> >    I want to verify a bug if someone can help. I have a text field:
> >
> >     <field name="text_t"  type="text"    indexed="true"  stored="true"
> > multiValued="true" termVectors="true" termPositions="true"
> > termOffsets="true"/>
> >
> > I use to store text that I highlight on. If the field contains more than
> > one text value, highlighting does not seem to work.
> > No highlights are returned, even though the text exists in one of the
> > field values returned from the query.
> > Am I missing a flag or is this a bug?
> >    
> As long as I see your setting above, no.
> If you can post more information such as how you set
> fieldType of your text field, how look like your sample
> data you want to highlight and query parameters your
> are using, we can help you.
> Koji

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