: Hi to everyone, I'm really sorry for the s3tupid question I'm doing, but I
: didn't understand how to set the java system property solr.solr.home to my
: solr home.

first off: you don't neccessarily *have* to set the solr.solr.home system 
property -- there are two other ways of telling Solr where to find it's 
"home" directory that also work (using ./solr and using JNDI)...


Second: how to set the system property (or how to use JNDI) to tell solr 
where i'ts home dir is largely depends on how you are running solr -- 
in particular, what servlet container and how it's being started.

are you using Jetty? Tomcat? Resin? Websphere? etc...

if you give us more details about what you are doing (or have already 
done) we can better understand how to help you.


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