thx for your reply!

On 02.06.2010, at 20:27, Chris Hostetter wrote:

> feel free to file a feature request -- truthfully this is kind of a hard 
> problem to solve in userland, you'd either have to do two queries (the 
> first to get the numFound, the second with facet.mincount set as an 
> integer relative numFound) or you'd have to do a single query but ask for 
> a "big" value for facet.limit and hope that you get enough to prune your 
> list.

well i would probably implement it by just not setting a limit, and then just 
reducing the facets based on the numRows before sending the facets to the 
client (aka browser)

> Off the top of my head though: i can't relaly think of a sane way to do 
> this on the server side that would work with distributed search either -- 
> but go ahead and open an issue and let's see what the folks who are really 
> smart about the distributed searching stuff have to say.

ok i have created it:

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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