The only solution without "doing any custom work" would be to perform a
normal query for each suggestion. But you might get into performance
troubles with that, because suggestions are typically performed much
more often than complete searches.

The much faster solution that needs own work would be to build up a
large TreeMap with each word as the keys, and the matching terms as the


Am 02.06.2010 22:01, schrieb Jay Hill:
> I've got a situation where I'm looking to build an auto-suggest where any
> term entered will lead to suggestions. For example, if I type "wine" I want
> to see suggestions like this:
> french *wine* classes
> *wine* book discounts
> burgundy *wine*
> etc.
> I've tried some tricks with shingles, but the only solution that worked was
> pre-processing my queries into a core in all variations.
> Anyone know any tricks to accomplish this in Solr without doing any custom
> work?
> -Jay

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