: to format the data from my sources.  I can read through the catalina
: log, but this seems to just log requests; not much info is given about
: errors or when the service hangs.  Here are some examples:

if you are only seeing one log line per request, then you are just looking 
at the "request" log ... there should be more logs with messages from all 
over the code base with various levels of severity -- and using standard 
java log level controls you can turn these up/down for various components.

: Although I am keeping document size under 5MB, I regularly see
: "SEVERE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" errors.  How can
: I find what component had this problem?

that's one of java's most anoying problems -- even if you have the full 
stack trace of the OOM, that just tells you which code path was hte straw 
that broke the camels back -- it doesn't tell you where all your memory 
was being used.  for that you really need to use a java profiler, or turn 
on heap dumps and use a heap dump analyzer after the OOM occurs.

: After the above error, I often see this followup error on the next
: document: "SEVERE: org.apache.lucene.store.LockObtainFailedException:
: Lock obtain timed out: NativeFSLock@/var/lib/solr/data/
: index/lucene-d6f7b3bf6fe64f362b4d45bfd4924f54-write.lock" .  This has
: a backtrace, so I could dive directly into the code.  Is this the best
: way to track down the problem, or are there debugging settings that
: could help show why the lock is being held elsewhere?

probably not -- after an OOM, most java apps are just screwed in general 
after an OOM (or any other low level error).

: I attempted to turn on indexing logging with the line
: <infoStream file="INFOSTREAM.txt">true</infoStream>
: but I can't seem to find this file in either the tomacat or the index 

it will probably be in whatever the Current Working Directory (CWD) is -- 
assuming the file permissions allow writting to it.  the top of the Solr 
admin screen tells you what the CWD is in case it's not clear from how 
your servlet container is run.


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