Hi folks,

We have a data cleanup effort going on here, and I thought I would share some information about how to poke around your facet values. Most of this comes from:

Exploring Facet Values:

facet field to examine:                 facet.field=
number of values to return:     facet.limit=n
offset into the values:                 facet.offset=n
sort the facets alphabetically: facet.sort=index


Missing Facet Values:

to find how many documents are missing values: facet.missing=true&facet.mincount=really big

        to find the documents with missing values:
http://your.solr.baseurl/select?qt=standard&q=+uniquekey:[* TO *] - ffldname:[* TO *]

                number of rows:         rows=
                offset:                         start=

- Naomi Dushay
Stanford University Libraries
http://searchworks.stanford.edu   <--  Blacklight on top of Solr

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