Yeap, I do.
As magic is not set, this is the reason why it looks for this specific
mime-type. Unfortunatly, It seems it either do not read my specific
tika-config file or the mime-type file. But there is no error log concerning
those files... (not trying to load them?)

2010/6/14 Ken Krugler <>

> Hi Olivier,
> Are you setting the mime type explicitly via the stream.type parameter?
> -- Ken
> On Jun 14, 2010, at 9:14am, olivier sallou wrote:
>  Hi,
>> I use Solr Cell to send specific content files. I developped a dedicated
>> Parser for specific mime types.
>> However I cannot get Solr accepting my new mime types.
>> In solrconfig, in update/extract requesthandler I specified <str
>> name="tika.config">./tika-config.xml</str> , where tika-config.xml is in
>> conf directory (same as solrconfig).
>> In tika-config I added my mimetypes:
>> <parser name="parse-readseq"
>> class="">
>>               <mime>biosequence/document</mime>
>>               <mime>biosequence/embl</mime>
>>               <mime>biosequence/genbank</mime>
>>       </parser>
>> I do not know for:
>>  <mimeTypeRepository resource="./tika-mimetypes.xml" magic="false"/>
>> whereas path to tika mimetypes should be absolute or relative... and even
>> if
>> this file needs to be redefined if "magic" is not used.
>> When I run my update/extract, I have an error that "biosequence/document"
>> does not match any known parser.
>> Thanks
>> Olivier
> --------------------------------------------
> Ken Krugler
> +1 530-210-6378
> e l a s t i c   w e b   m i n i n g

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