: As it stands, solr works fine, and sites like
: http://locahost:8983/solr/admin also work.
: As soon as I put a solr.xml in the solr directory, and restart the tomcat
: service. It all stops working.
: <solr persistent="false">
:   <cores adminPath="/admin/cores">
:     <core name="core0" instanceDir="." />
:   </cores>
: </solr>

You need to elaborate on "It all stops working" ... what does that mean? 
what are you trying to do? and what errors are you getting?

when i take an existing (functional) Solr 1.4 SolrHome dir, and drop that 
solr.xml file into it, everything works as expected for me....

  1. Solr starts up 
  2. This URL lists a link to the admin page for a single core named 
  3. This URL let's me use core0...
  4. this URL (specified in your solr.xml) let's my admin the cores 
     (ie: view-status/add/remove/reload) ...


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