I knew it wasn't me! :)

I found the patch just before I read this and applied it to the trunk
and it works!

Thanks Mark and martijn for all your help!

- Moazzam

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Martijn v Groningen
<martijn.is.h...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've added a new patch to the issue, so building the trunk (rev
> 955615) with the latest patch should not be a problem. Due to recent
> changes in the Lucene trunk the patch was not compatible.
> On 17 June 2010 20:20, Erik Hatcher <erik.hatc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jun 16, 2010, at 7:31 PM, Mark Diggory wrote:
>>> p.s. I'd be glad to contribute our Maven build re-organization back to the
>>> community to get Solr properly Mavenized so that it can be distributed and
>>> released more often.  For us the benefit of this structure is that we will
>>> be able to overlay addons such as RequestHandlers and other third party
>>> support without having to rebuild Solr from scratch.
>> But you don't have to rebuild Solr from scratch to add a new request handler
>> or other plugins - simply compile your custom stuff into a JAR and put it in
>> <solr-home>/lib (or point to it with <lib> in solrconfig.xml).
>>>  Ideally, a Maven Archetype could be created that would allow one rapidly
>>> produce a Solr webapp and fire it up in Jetty in mere seconds.
>> How's that any different than cd example; java -jar start.jar?  Or do you
>> mean a Solr client webapp?
>>> Finally, with projects such as Bobo, integration with Spring would make
>>> configuration more consistent and request significantly less java coding
>>> just to add new capabilities everytime someone authors a new RequestHandler.
>> It's one line of config to add a new request handler.  How many ridiculously
>> ugly confusing lines of Spring XML would it take?
>>>  The biggest thing I learned about Solr in my work thusfar is that patches
>>> like these could be standalone modules in separate projects if it weren't
>>> for having to hack the configuration and solrj methods up to adopt them.
>>>  Which brings me to SolrJ, great API if it would stay generic and have less
>>> concern for adding method each time some custom collections and query
>>> support for morelikethis or collapseddocs needs to be added.
>> I personally find it silly that we customize SolrJ for all these request
>> handlers anyway.  You get a decent navigable data structure back from
>> general SolrJ query requests as it is, there's no need to build in all these
>> convenience methods specific to all the Solr componetry.  Sure, it's
>> "convenient", but it's a maintenance headache and as you say, not generic.
>> But hacking configuration is reasonable, I think, for adding in plugins.  I
>> guess you're aiming for some kind of Spring-like auto-discovery of plugins?
>>  Yeah, maybe, but I'm pretty -1 on Spring coming into Solr.  It's overkill
>> and ugly, IMO.  But you like it :)  And that's cool by me, to each their
>> own.
>> Oh, and Hi Mark! :)
>>        Erik
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet,
> Martijn van Groningen

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