Standard DisMax does not fully support explicit AND/OR.
You can prove that by trying to say q=fuel+OR+cell and see that the score stays 
the same (given mm=100%)
It appears that DisMax does SOME intelligent handling of AND/OR/NOT, because it 
adds the "+" on the AND and a "-" on the NOT. But adding a "+" is redundant and 
does not change anything as long as mm=100%. The NOT actually seems to work, 
but the OR does not have any effect due to the "+" on the top-level ().

If you need boolean syntax support in DisMax, try the defType=edismax with 
patch SOLR-1553 or alternatively on branch_3x

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -
Training in Europe -

On 18. juni 2010, at 02.44, Erik Hatcher wrote:

> Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong and it does support AND.  Looking at the code I don't 
> see why it wouldn't, actually.  Though I believe I've seen it documented that 
> it isn't supported (or at least not advertised to support).  Ok, from the 
> dismax wiki page it says: "This query handler supports an extremely 
> simplified subset of the Lucene QueryParser syntax. Quotes can be used to 
> group phrases, and +/- can be used to denote mandatory and optional clauses". 
>  Only special single characters are escaped.  So AND/OR must work.  Learn 
> something new every day!
>       Erik
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:28 PM, Tommy Chheng wrote:
>> Thanks, Erik. that does work. I misunderstood the documentation, i thought 
>> "clause" meant "field" rather than the terms in the query.
>> If dismax doesn't support the operator AND,  why would the query 
>> "solr/select?q=fuel+cell" and "solr/select?q=fuel+AND+cell" get parsed 
>> differently(it adds the + for the AND query) and have different result count?
>> @tommychheng
>> Programmer and UC Irvine Graduate Student
>> Find a great grad school based on research interests: 
>> On 6/17/10 5:17 PM, Erik Hatcher wrote:
>>> dismax does not support the operator AND.  It uses +/- only.
>>> set mm=100% (not 1), as Hoss said, and try your query again.
>>>   Erik
>>> On Jun 17, 2010, at 8:08 PM, Tommy Chheng wrote:
>>>> I don't think setting the mm helps.
>>>> I have mm to 1 which means the query terms should be in at least one 
>>>> field. Both query strings satisfy this condition.
>>>> The query "solr/select?q=fuel+cell" is parsed as
>>>> "querystring":"fuel cell",
>>>> "parsedquery":"+((DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:fuel | 
>>>> organization_name_ws_lc:fuel^5.0)) DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:cell | 
>>>> organization_name_ws_lc:cell^5.0)))~1) ()",
>>>> "parsedquery_toString":"+(((text:fuel | organization_name_ws_lc:fuel^5.0) 
>>>> (text:cell | organization_name_ws_lc:cell^5.0))~1) ()",
>>>> returns ~900 results
>>>> The query "solr/select?q=fuel+AND+cell" is parsed as
>>>> "querystring":"fuel AND cell",
>>>> "parsedquery":"+(+DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:fuel | 
>>>> organization_name_ws_lc:fuel^5.0)) +DisjunctionMaxQuery((text:cell | 
>>>> organization_name_ws_lc:cell^5.0))) ()",
>>>> "parsedquery_toString":"+(+(text:fuel | organization_name_ws_lc:fuel^5.0) 
>>>> +(text:cell | organization_name_ws_lc:cell^5.0)) ()",
>>>> returns ~80 results
>>>> (this is the behavior i want for query "fuel cell" because it adds the 
>>>> extra +). I want to do this without adding the AND for every query.
>>>> @tommychheng
>>>> Programmer and UC Irvine Graduate Student
>>>> Find a great grad school based on research interests: 
>>>> On 6/17/10 4:19 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
>>>>> :  I'm using the dismax request handler and want to set the default 
>>>>> operator to
>>>>> : AND.
>>>>> : Using the standard handler, i could just use the q.op or 
>>>>> defaultOperator in
>>>>> : the schema, but this doesn't work using the dismax request handler.
>>>>> :
>>>>> : For example, if I call "solr/select/?q=fuel+cell", I want solr to 
>>>>> handle it as
>>>>> : a "solr/select/?q=fuel+AND+cell"
>>>>> Please consult the dismax docs...
>>>>> dismax uses the "mm" param to decide how clauses that don't have an
>>>>> explicit operator will be dealt with -- the default is to require 100% of
>>>>> the terms, so if you aren't seeing that behavior then you have a
>>>>> solrconfig.xml that that sets the default mm value to something else.
>>>>> Starting with Solr 4.0 (and mybe 3.1 if it's backported) the default mm
>>>>> will be based on the value of q.op (see SOLR-1889 for more details)
>>>>> -Hoss

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