: org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.MailEntityProcessor cannot be cast to
: org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.EntityProcessor
: I did try to rebuild the solr nightly, but I still receive the same error.
:  I have all of the required jar's (AFAIK) in my application's lib folder.
: Any ideas?

My best guess is that you are loading different versions of differnet jars 
-- so that you have MailEntityProcessor from one version of solr and 
EntityProcessor from a differnet version of solr, so it can't use it.

double check all of the log messages from when you start up Solr, messages 
from the method "replaceClassLoader" will list every plugin jar it is 
loading: make sure all the jars listed are the ones you expect.

if that all checks out, then load the url 
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/system and ensure that no solr related 
jars are listed in the classpath or bootclasspath.


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